Verizon, AT&T, SBC, & Google – Let’s End the “Free Lunch” For Everyone!
Verizon and SBC/Southwest Bell/Pac Bell/Pacific Telesis/AT&T or whatever they’re called this year has called for an end to “free lunches” on the internet – running out of revenue options (guess that customer service and adding new features, that wasn’t on the table?) and that companies like Google are taking advantage of a “free lunch” on their bandwidth.
So, I guess it’s a two-way street Verizon?
Speaking of streets, how much are you paying to drive on our streets?
Or those “free” right of way poles you string your wires on.
Free lunch ends when yours does, buddy. It’s my street and my property. I don’t have any of your “services” so come and take down your wire running in front on my house since it’s an eyesore and besides, no free lunch for anyone, right?
I have Comcast phone & cable broadband and they have their own wires so feel free to set up a 4-hour window with me to come and take down your wires getting a “free lunch” on my visibility and property.
And while I haven’t polled all my neighbors, if we decide to switch over to all non Bell companies, don’t bother driving on our streets after we make the switch – after all, you wouldn’t want anyone getting a free lunch.
And if we take a step back, when you were a monopoly utility, didn’t WE pay for that wiring and presumably you take tax deductions on that expenditure – you are going to give all that back? (along with that other free lunch – the “regulatory fees” you charge us but aren’t actually regulatory since you pocket them?)
And really, doesn’t the internet belong to WE THE PEOPLE – remember, no free lunches – we’ll get back to you on what the back monthly royalty fees you owe us, WE THE PEOPLE.
I almost forgot, even though I’m not a customer anymore and NEVER EVER intend to spend another dime with you, you keep sending me mail at a DISCOUNTED LOWER BUSINESS RATE than the $.39 I have to pay for each letter. Let’s end that free lunch also.
Be careful of the Pandora box you open.